Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How To Avoid A Bad Fight...

Whether you are fighting with your woman, boss, or child, keep this in mind. Whatever you say or do, there will be lasting consequences. A fight can quickly go from respectfully asserting your opinion to angrily shouting threats. It can happen in an instant! Keep this in mind, when you allow a fight to go to Mushroom Cloud status, they no longer care about the point you were trying to make. After all, isn't this the whole point of why you got into the argument? First things first, always stick to the point. Do not allow yourself to get emotional by thinking of the last time you argued with them. Yesterday is history, so leave it in the past. Stick to the issue at hand. Hint: if the other person wants to bring up the past, then simply walk away from the discussion. Obviously, they just want to fight and they are hoping to bait you in. Chances are, they will succeed! Ask if you can discuss it later and that you want to make sure you have your thoughts together. Secondly, state your point and then respectfully listen to their opinion. You have to really show that you respect that they may see the world entirely different than you. Showing respect means that you are confident in who you are and that someone else's opinion does not diminish you in the least. That's it! If you can do just those two things, you will avoid fights and improve your relationships.

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