Saturday, February 28, 2009

Celebs self destructing publicly

Chris Brown accused of physically abusing Rhianna. Michael Phelps caught smoking a bong at a college party. Who will be the next public figure to fall on their sword? I think that it has a lot to do with the fact that these men did not have a strong father figure growing up. I don't want to offend any single mothers, because you really do what's necessary to feed and care for a child. However, it's the dad that checks a boy when he is doing or about to do something stupid. When I was a child, my dad always seemed to catch me right before I would play doctor with a girl, or usually something destructive. As a child, I felt that he was just a kill joy. He was always on me for not opening a door for a woman or just simply slouching! He kept me and my brother in line. This cruel discipline apparently gave me a sense of self esteem and self discipline. The thought of my dad knowing that I was at a party smoking a bong would be enough to make me just say no! The Bible says, fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. As a child, your dad is God! This stays with a person well into adulthood turning fear of your father into respect. Perhaps if Michael Phelps or Chris Brown had that fear growing up, they probably would not be in the situations they are in today. If you are a man who is raising your children, I salute you. When your kids become adults, you will not have to worry about reading about your kids failures in the media.

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