Friday, February 27, 2009

Do You Have A Man Room?

Hey Fellas!

I'm talking specifically to you men who are married or living with someone. Do you have a man room? Some place in your love nest that is uniquely yours. I don't care if you live in a one-bedroom apartment, every man has to have a corner that is his. In this corner, he can have his Model Ford Mustang collection. For you Trekkie guys, this can be the place where you have your Star Trek Memorabilia. Is doesn't matter just as long as she knows that this place is off limits to her Pot Puree, Ikea stuff, or Throw Pillows! If you don't have a man room, your manhood is dying a slow, quiet death. I was talking with a female friend of my wife. She was telling me how impressed she was with her brother's man room. He had his stuff like his sports memorabilia, pictures, etc...magnificently displayed in his room. It was a place that he could go to whenever he wanted to get in touch with his inner man. To state it more eloquently, it was his shrine! The way she described the room showed me that she was impressed with the fact that even though his woman had taken over the entire house, he managed to carve himself a little corner of the home just for hisself. Even though she didn't really understand his affection for the things he liked. This gave me insight as to how women really feel about a man room. Let me bottom line this for you, they just don't care! She might even find a new level of respect for you. After all, it was your manhood that attracted her to you in the first place, right? So, if you don't have a man room, what's holding you back? It's time that you found some space in the home just for you. When you finish creating your man room, send me some pics of your new space.

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