Friday, February 27, 2009

Manly things

I guess I started this blog because I wanted a place to put down my thoughts and ideas about authentic manhood. I am no expert on manhood because I think this expertise is acquired over a life time. Ever notice how a man in his 60's will have a completely different outlook on life than a man in his 40's? One thing I can say for sure is that western culture has really screwed up our views on what authentic manhood really is. Take for instance movie stars. In the 40's and 50's, men like Humprey Bogart and Sidney Poitier were the portrayal of men. Back in those times, men were well groomed and very masculine appearing. Even the singers in those times sang in deeper pitches. Today, dudes are more prettier than women.(Just check out The Crying Game if you doubt me!) Also, what happended to those deep tenor and baritone voices of singers like Luther Vandross or even Elvis? (Thank you very much Bee Gees!) A true man shows sensitivity like when he is with his woman or children. Also, a true man recognizes that his hardened exterior features including his voice are what make him unique. He does not try to be anything other than what he was made to be. He does not try to soften his looks or make himself look prettier! If he is truly a man, he knows that it is his masculinity that really attracts a woman. No woman wants to be with a man who is prettier than she is. However, let it be said that a well groomed man is a man who dresses to accentuate his masculine features. A nice pressed pair of slacks, a well groomed face, polished shoes, and a clean ironed shirt tell the world that you are dealing with a man. Wearing wrinkled, un kept clothes and un kept appearance tell the world that you are dealing with a child.

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