Saturday, April 4, 2009

How To: Shave Without Getting Razor Bumps

Friday, March 6, 2009

How to Tie a Bow Tie

If you ever are invited to a wedding or any other black tux affair, you will need to wear a bow-tie. Modern science has provided us with the clip on bow-tie, which works perfectly well. However, nothing is more "cooler" than tying the tie yourself! I have listed below diagrams and instructions on how to tie a bow-tie.


How to Tie a Bow-TieThese steps are illustrated on page1.gif and page2.gif. Pages 1 and 2 are meant to be printed on 8 ½" x 11" paper at 96 dpi with ¾" inch margins.
Start with the left end 1 ½" (4 cm) longer than the right end. Slip the short end under the long end.Hint: The extra length (such as 1 ½") depends on the width of the narrow part of the tie, the thickness of the cloth, and whether you want a symmetrical tie. Some people prefer lopsided or tilted ties.
Choose how long you want the tie to be. The button is a reference point. Finish crossing the long end over the short end.
Slip the long end under the short end, while holding the tie at the button to keep it loose.
Zig-zag the end on your chest. One fold is in the wide part of the tie.
Zig-zag in progress.
Fold the long flap over the front of the tie.
Pinch the front of the tie in half. This will let you find a side-to-side hole through the tie, which is hidden behind the front of the tie.
Pinch the right side of the wide part of the tie, while swinging the long flap to the right.
Push the pinched corner through the hidden hole.
Flatten the right half of the front.
Slip a finger into the left bow. Even up the 3 layers of the right half, while pulling the left bow through the hole.
Grip all 3 layers on the right, and pull the left bow through the hole.
Flatten the left half of the front.
Straighten the tie.Hint: Some people prefer lopsided or tilted ties.
Tuck the shirt points between the tie's thin strip and the bow tie.
Done! To untie, pull the single ends.
"How to Tie a Tie: The Bow Tie." Published by Joseph A. Bank Clothiers. In print as of May, 2005.
Tom Rowa, Paul Krasnowsky, and Chris Pamboukas of Joseph A. Bank Clothiers' downtown Seattle store provided suggestions. April - June, 2005.
Ebony Brown provided suggestions. June, 2005.
Marie Tessier proofed these diagrams. April - June, 2005.
Tom Hudson (cuffthis) and rws provided suggestions at . June 8, 2005.
Rich Durso pointed out a broken link. October, 2005.
Related Links
FOLDS.NET shows how to fold many objects (such as stars, cherry blossoms, roses, and Eeyore), and has links to even more origami diagrams.
The "Ask Andy about clothes" forum for discussing men's clothing and men's clothing stores.
The Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society has tips for tying the bow-tie very neatly.
Lisa Eaton has mirror-image diagrams.
R. Hanauer has diagrams that show the insides of the knot.
Navigational AssistanceA traditional knot. Diagrammed by Jasper in 2005.Copyright 2005-2006 by Jasper Paulsen. Your comments are welcomed.[ Home page Origami Menagerie Instructions Comments ]Last updated August 13, 2006.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How To Avoid A Bad Fight...

Whether you are fighting with your woman, boss, or child, keep this in mind. Whatever you say or do, there will be lasting consequences. A fight can quickly go from respectfully asserting your opinion to angrily shouting threats. It can happen in an instant! Keep this in mind, when you allow a fight to go to Mushroom Cloud status, they no longer care about the point you were trying to make. After all, isn't this the whole point of why you got into the argument? First things first, always stick to the point. Do not allow yourself to get emotional by thinking of the last time you argued with them. Yesterday is history, so leave it in the past. Stick to the issue at hand. Hint: if the other person wants to bring up the past, then simply walk away from the discussion. Obviously, they just want to fight and they are hoping to bait you in. Chances are, they will succeed! Ask if you can discuss it later and that you want to make sure you have your thoughts together. Secondly, state your point and then respectfully listen to their opinion. You have to really show that you respect that they may see the world entirely different than you. Showing respect means that you are confident in who you are and that someone else's opinion does not diminish you in the least. That's it! If you can do just those two things, you will avoid fights and improve your relationships.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Celebs self destructing publicly

Chris Brown accused of physically abusing Rhianna. Michael Phelps caught smoking a bong at a college party. Who will be the next public figure to fall on their sword? I think that it has a lot to do with the fact that these men did not have a strong father figure growing up. I don't want to offend any single mothers, because you really do what's necessary to feed and care for a child. However, it's the dad that checks a boy when he is doing or about to do something stupid. When I was a child, my dad always seemed to catch me right before I would play doctor with a girl, or usually something destructive. As a child, I felt that he was just a kill joy. He was always on me for not opening a door for a woman or just simply slouching! He kept me and my brother in line. This cruel discipline apparently gave me a sense of self esteem and self discipline. The thought of my dad knowing that I was at a party smoking a bong would be enough to make me just say no! The Bible says, fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. As a child, your dad is God! This stays with a person well into adulthood turning fear of your father into respect. Perhaps if Michael Phelps or Chris Brown had that fear growing up, they probably would not be in the situations they are in today. If you are a man who is raising your children, I salute you. When your kids become adults, you will not have to worry about reading about your kids failures in the media.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Do You Have A Man Room?

Hey Fellas!

I'm talking specifically to you men who are married or living with someone. Do you have a man room? Some place in your love nest that is uniquely yours. I don't care if you live in a one-bedroom apartment, every man has to have a corner that is his. In this corner, he can have his Model Ford Mustang collection. For you Trekkie guys, this can be the place where you have your Star Trek Memorabilia. Is doesn't matter just as long as she knows that this place is off limits to her Pot Puree, Ikea stuff, or Throw Pillows! If you don't have a man room, your manhood is dying a slow, quiet death. I was talking with a female friend of my wife. She was telling me how impressed she was with her brother's man room. He had his stuff like his sports memorabilia, pictures, etc...magnificently displayed in his room. It was a place that he could go to whenever he wanted to get in touch with his inner man. To state it more eloquently, it was his shrine! The way she described the room showed me that she was impressed with the fact that even though his woman had taken over the entire house, he managed to carve himself a little corner of the home just for hisself. Even though she didn't really understand his affection for the things he liked. This gave me insight as to how women really feel about a man room. Let me bottom line this for you, they just don't care! She might even find a new level of respect for you. After all, it was your manhood that attracted her to you in the first place, right? So, if you don't have a man room, what's holding you back? It's time that you found some space in the home just for you. When you finish creating your man room, send me some pics of your new space.

Manly things

I guess I started this blog because I wanted a place to put down my thoughts and ideas about authentic manhood. I am no expert on manhood because I think this expertise is acquired over a life time. Ever notice how a man in his 60's will have a completely different outlook on life than a man in his 40's? One thing I can say for sure is that western culture has really screwed up our views on what authentic manhood really is. Take for instance movie stars. In the 40's and 50's, men like Humprey Bogart and Sidney Poitier were the portrayal of men. Back in those times, men were well groomed and very masculine appearing. Even the singers in those times sang in deeper pitches. Today, dudes are more prettier than women.(Just check out The Crying Game if you doubt me!) Also, what happended to those deep tenor and baritone voices of singers like Luther Vandross or even Elvis? (Thank you very much Bee Gees!) A true man shows sensitivity like when he is with his woman or children. Also, a true man recognizes that his hardened exterior features including his voice are what make him unique. He does not try to be anything other than what he was made to be. He does not try to soften his looks or make himself look prettier! If he is truly a man, he knows that it is his masculinity that really attracts a woman. No woman wants to be with a man who is prettier than she is. However, let it be said that a well groomed man is a man who dresses to accentuate his masculine features. A nice pressed pair of slacks, a well groomed face, polished shoes, and a clean ironed shirt tell the world that you are dealing with a man. Wearing wrinkled, un kept clothes and un kept appearance tell the world that you are dealing with a child.